Three Common Problems with Garage Door Openers and How to Solve Them

HomeBlogThree Common Problems with Garage Door Openers and How to Solve Them

Garage door openers are one of the most convenient gadgets for your home. Just think of the time and effort they save every time you come and go from your home. It’s easy to take them for granted, until they act up, that is. When your garage door opener isn’t working, there could be several culprits, and it may not have anything to do with the opener itself.

Three Common Problems with Garage Door Openers and How to Solve Them

Here are a few of the most common problems and how to solve them:

  1. Neither the wall opener nor the remote works. When you have multiple garage door openers malfunctioning, it is likely to be an issue with the door system itself rather than the openers. We always recommend homeowners make sure their garage door sensor eyes are clean and properly aligned as an easy first step. If that doesn’t help, the door rollers may need a little TLC, so you can try cleaning and lubricating them. If the problem persists, it is probably an issue with the motor or door parts, and it’s best to call on an expert to take a look.
  2. The remote opener works, but the wall opener doesn’t. When one of the garage door openers works but the other doesn’t, it’s time to look into the malfunctioning opener. Wall openers can be affected by power cuts, so you can try resetting the breaker. If that doesn’t work, it could be a wiring issue that would require professional repairs.
  3. The wall opener works, but the remote doesn’t. This is a good indication that your remote garage door opener truly is the issue. It could be as simple as needing to replace the batteries, or it might be time for a new opener. If you’re sure the batteries are good, you can try reprogramming the remote. Beyond that, give our team a call and we will troubleshoot the issue and get your opener back in working order.